The BHO Honey Bee oil extractor is composed by a small plastic cylinder in which we will find in it at the end a hole to introduce the gas and in the other end we introduce a cap with thread that is where we will introduce the vegetable matter. The lid is filled with small holes where the oil is filtered out from the combination of gas and vegetable matter.
The way to use the Honey Bee Extractor is simple: we will fill the cylinder with resinous vegetable matter and we’ll place the lid, we’ll place the extractor BHO vertically with the lid bored down and we’ll put a container to recover the oil. The next step is full the tube with gas at the end of the extractor that is where there is a hole and in it, we will introduce the gas (we advise to use gas free of impurities).
One of the best marks to make these extractions is the gas of the mark Colibri, finally we will collect the oil BHO in the container, it will be necessary to wait until all the gas in the oil disappears before consuming it. For this last step we recommend you to make a water bath, to evaporate the gas as fast as it is possible.
Pay attention when you use butane gas it is the best to do the extractions in the exterior of the house.
The BHO Honey Bee oil extractor is ideal for making small extractions because of its small size.
– Heavy-duty plastic cylinder.
– Cap perforated.
– Length 14 cm.
– Internal diameter 3,5 cm.
– Manufactured in Canada.
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