OCB rolling paper was born as a brand in France in 1918 and is one of the highest quality and most internationally renowned rolling paper brands.

The acronym OCB stands for: “O” for Odett where the first paper mill was created in 1822, “C” for Cascadec, the location of another factory and “B” for Bolloré, which is the surname of the founders and leaders of this brand. during six generations and that marked the history of the manufacture of paper especially the one of the cigarette paper and the one of OCB.

One of its founders Jean René Marie Bolloré was a Doctor of Medicine and Chief Surgeon of the Navy, for this reason he traveled a lot especially to Brazil and the seas of China, according to some say that from there he brought the secrets of the manufacture of fine paper, which It is used to make the first cigarette paper.

Cigarette fashion was introduced in France and in 1917 the first cigarette paper booklets with the brand “Le coq francais” were launched on the market, in 1918 the OCB brand was born and the first booklets were manufactured in 1930 90% of OCB’s production is exported to the US, in 1981 the company Bolloré Technologies was created, making it a prestigious internationally recognized group and in 2000, Don Levin, owner of the American Republic Tobacco group and main client Since the 1960s, Bolloré Technologies has bought the OCB brand.

The OCB brand continues to evolve and expand its products and is imposed throughout the world and becomes the cult brand in Europe.


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