Pre-flowering of cannabis - Cannabis plants not budding

Why are my cannabis plants not budding?

If we have decided to grow cannabis seeds, after the entire growth cycle we have reached flowering and the cannabis plants do not budding. Cannabis plants begin to flower to develop their own flowers, also known as buds, the final product any grower seeks.

In our online grow shop we will resolve common doubts and problems that usually occur when cannabis plants do not budding. With this, we will prevent it from happening to us and if we are suffering from it, we will be able to solve the problems to harvest its valuable buds.

What are the first signs of pre flowering?

Before talking about the reasons why our cannabis plants do not budding, we must know the pre-flowering time of cannabis. Before developing the first buds, the plants will enter the pre-flowering phase.

Pre-flowering is a transition stage that takes place between the growth and flowering period. This period usually lasts between 10 – 15 days and occurs during the hours of darkness. During the night the plants will generate a hormone called florigen and it will complete its cycle once the nights get longer.

As a result, when the nights are longer, cannabis plants will begin to produce buds (in the case of photosensitive cannabis plants, we will talk about autoflowering ones).

Once our cannabis plants are in pre-flowering we will know the sex, which could be an important factor why our cannabis plants do not budding.

Pre-flowering of cannabis - Cannabis plants not budding

Genetics of cannabis seeds

The genetics of our cannabis seeds are a very important factor to know why they do not budding.

Once they have shown the sex, they begin to develop. In the case of female plants/feminized seeds, we will begin to see white hairs that will form the buds in a short time. If, on the other hand, we have grown regular seeds, it may be that our plant is male, in which case we must remove it from our crop, since it will not produce buds and will pollinate the other plants.

Male and female plants

To know if the cannabis plants we grow are male or female, we recommend that you visit how to distinguish male and female cannabis plants.

Feminized cannabis plants do not budding

But if our cannabis plants are feminized, we must differentiate between photosensitive varieties and autoflowering varieties (ruderalis).

Feminized – photosensitive seeds have an 18/6 light and dark cycle for the growth phase, since as we have mentioned before, they need to extend the hours of darkness to produce the hormone that encourages flowering. For this reason, indoors we must change the photoperiod to 12/12, that is, 12 hours of light and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.

At the time of the photoperiod change, our cannabis plant should begin the pre-flowering phase, and then flowering will begin in approximately 10 – 15 days.

Photosensitive feminized plants can be divided into indica or sativa, and their flowering cycle is different from each other. Indica varieties usually have flowering periods between 45 – 65 days, while sativa varieties have a much longer flowering period, they can range from 60 days to more than 110 for the purest, such as the 2046 variety from Medical. Seeds.

If we grow pure sativa seeds and they do not flower after 3 weeks of flowering at 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness, we recommend that you try giving it a little more darkness, 11/13 or 10/14 for a week. With this we will stimulate the production of the florigen hormone and our plants will begin to flower. If you are starting out in cannabis cultivation, we do not advise you to grow pure sativa varieties. Choose indica or hybrid varieties, as they will be much easier to grow.

In the case of growing cannabis plants indoors, it will be enough to change the timer hours. While if we grow outdoors we should store them in a place where they do not get the slightest ray of light.

My autoflowering cannabis plants are not budding

Unlike photosensitive seeds, autoflowering plants do not need those 12 hours of darkness to flower. But, although they do not need those 12 hours of darkness, they need rest, so, if we grow autoflowering seeds in a 24-hour light cycle, cannabis plants will not flower. We must give it rest, at least as with the growth cycle, 18 hours of light and 6 of darkness.

Autoflowering cannabis seeds have an approximate growing period. That is, its life cycle will be marked according to the variety chosen. For each variety of seeds you will find its cultivation period, to know how long it will take to fully mature.

With an 18/6 period, many autoflowering plants will begin to flower from the third week, depending on the variety. Although it is true that some may have a longer crop, they should begin to flower from the fifth week.

In the event that they do not flower after the fifth week, we will have to look for more problems why cannabis plants do not budding. If all the problems that we will explain below are correct, it is very likely that your plants are photosensitive, an error has been made in the packaging and you will have to change the light cycle to 12/12.

Is temperature and light spectrum the reason cannabis plants don't flower?

In addition to the photoperiod that plants need to grow and flower, they also need an adequate spectrum. But what is the spectrum of light?

The light spectrum is the distribution of energy at different wavelengths, within the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum. The sun emits energy in the form of solar radiation, which includes x-rays, ultraviolet light, gamma rays… Each spectrum has a different color temperature.

Colour chart

For the growth cycle, plants need spectra with lower nanometer ranges, which are transformed into blue, whiter temperature waves.

During spring it only emits waves of bluish colors, which will help stimulate the vegetative growth of the plant. Therefore, HM growth bulbs are used for the growth phase.

For the flowering cycle, plants need spectra with higher nanometer ranges, the waves will have red-orange color temperatures.

During the summer and early fall, the sun emits warmer red waves, stimulating the development of flowers or buds. HPS bulbs are used for the flowering phase.

So, if we grow indoors and our cannabis plants do not budding, we will have to check our bulbs to determine if they are for the growth or flowering cycle. If they do not receive the necessary spectrum, it could delay flowering.

There are mixed bulbs that combine the two spectrums to be able to carry out the growth and flowering cycle with the same bulb. This will make cultivation easier, although if the plants receive the light spectrum they need in each cycle, their development will be ideal and they will be more productive.

Does cannabis need complete darkness to flower?

Light pollution can be a very harmful factor for the cultivation of cannabis plants. Our cannabis plants have to rest in total darkness, since if this is not done, several problems may arise, including our cannabis plants not budding.

If during the night the plants receive any light stimulus they can become stressed in such a way that the result of that stress can be catastrophic. When plants are in a 12/12 cycle, they develop the hormone that induces flowering, but if periods of darkness are interrupted they can alter the development of the plants.

To prevent our cannabis plants from receiving light during the dark phase, we must be very careful that no ray of light leaks into the crop, whether it is an indoor or outdoor crop.

In indoor growing it is not common to suffer from light pollution problems, since the grow tents are usually airtight with safety zippers, but light can always sneak in through a small hole. To do this, we will only enter the completely dark growing room and check that it is completely closed.

When we work with the plants we should always do it when the lamps are on. We should never disturb the plants during their dark period. If we want to carry out work at night, we must use a green light, since the plants do not detect it and it does not interfere with their development.

Outdoor streetlight light

In outdoor crops we can suffer more inconveniences. Streetlights, the light left by neighbors at night or public areas that can illuminate our plants can be a big problem.

If our cannabis plants receive light during their dark cycle, it may be a reason why they do not flower.

The stress that plants suffer when they receive light at night can lead to various problems such as:

  • Cannabis plants become hermaphrodites. The stress they receive is very strong and not having rest causes them to become upset and begin to produce seeds instead of buds.
  • Cannabis can revegetate. By once again having the hours of light it needs for growth, the plant will understand that it is in the growth phase and will immediately begin its vegetative cycle, leaving bud formation halfway.
  • Inferior results. Since our cannabis plants have not been able to rest, they have not been able to fully dedicate themselves to developing buds. So the harvest will be influenced by smaller, spiky buds.
  • Longer crops. After suffering a stress phase, cannabis plants stop their development, so if we do not solve the problem, our crop will be much longer lasting with less production.

It is very important to check that cannabis plants rest correctly, to have an optimal crop and find the best possible results. If we encounter this problem we must solve it by preventing light from accessing the plants.

Cannabis plants do not flower due to light pollution

Moonlight does not affect plant development during the dark cycle. If not, it helps plants with their cycles, improving their growth and development.


What triggers most cannabis plants to flower?

If we grow photosensitive seeds indoors, we will be the ones to induce flowering by changing the light cycle from 18/6 to 12/12.

In the case of growing outdoors, they will begin to flower when the hours of light are reduced, that is, when the days become shorter. The decrease in daily hours is preceded by the summer solstice. In the northern hemisphere it occurs between June 20 – 22, while in the southern hemisphere between December 20 – 23.

If we want our cannabis plants to produce buds before summer, we must grow autoflowering seeds. If it is a photosensitive feminized crop, it will be a reason why the cannabis plants do not budding.

In the case of autoflowering plants, as their name indicates, they begin to flower on their own, regardless of the light and the time of year.

How to flower cannabis?

Cannabis will flower when the light cycle changes and the hours of light decrease. We must provide fewer hours of light so that our cannabis plants can flower, otherwise they will not flower, except in autoflowering cannabis plants. In autoflowering plants, flowering will occur automatically.

With a light cycle of 12/12 we will be able to flower our cannabis.

How long do most cannabis plants to flower?

Each cannabis variety has an approximate flowering cycle. There are varieties that can take only 45 days to flower, while others can take up to 100 days.

To know what the flowering time of a variety is, we must know what variety it is and the manufacturer. Each seed bank details the flowering period of its seeds, that way we can know how long it will take our cannabis plants to flower.

What are the first signs of flowering?

Approximately during the first week of flowering, cannabis plants begin to grow and stretch. The space between the nodes will be expanded, so that light penetrates better and has more access to the buds.

During the second week of flowering, feminized plants (females) develop white pistils at the nodes. From the third week the first buds will begin to develop. After that moment the buds will begin to grow in volume.

What do i do when my flowers don't bloom?

If our cannabis plants do not budding, we must know if they are photosensitive or autoflowering. If they are photosensitive, we must give them a period of total darkness of 12 hours.

On the other hand, they are autoflowering seeds, they will flower after 3 – 5 weeks depending on the variety. Even so, it still does not bloom, so we will have to give it more hours of darkness. If your autoflowering plant grow is 24/0, let it rest at 18/6. If it does not flower, think about moving it to 12/12, perhaps it is a photosensitive plant.

Outdoor cannabis plants not flowering?

Outdoor plants will begin to bloom once the summer solstice occurs. Starting at the end of June, cannabis plants will begin their flowering phase. It is important that our cannabis plants are in a completely dark area without receiving any type of light stimulus. As a result of receiving light during their dark period, marijuana plants may not flower and may even become hermaphrodites and offer seeds.

Why don't the buds grow?

The buds on cannabis plants grow in the flowering phase. If we are in the growth phase, we will have to wait for the days to get shorter so that the plants begin to grow their buds. If we grow indoors we must change the photoperiod so that they begin to develop. Once we are in the flowering phase, the buds will begin to grow as the days go by. It is advisable to use fertilizers and stimulators to maximize bud production.

Do you need advice or components for your cannabis cultivation? Contact The Maria Shop

If you are looking for accessories and components for cannabis cultivation so you can optimize your plantations, at The Maria Shop, we are here to help you.

We have a wide range of high quality products designed to enhance your crops indoors and outdoors.

Whether you need fertilizers, lighting, extraction systems, pots, cannabis seeds or any other essentials, we are here to provide you with the right guidance and products.

Our team of cannabis growing experts is ready to answer your questions, offer recommendations, and provide you with the components you need to take your grow to the next level.

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