Eliminating cannabis odours in indoor crops
Do you want to enter the world of self-cultivation, but are you afraid that the smell that the plants give off is too strong? Or you have simply started to grow and you need something that can eliminate the smell of grass from your indoor, you are in the perfect post, we will try to solve all your doubts and your problem with odors.
Today we have different solutions to prevent our marijuana cultivation from smelling. The smell is one of the problems that slows down many of the growers when it comes to growing indoors. The smell that cannabis plants give off during the flowering phase even goes beyond the growing area, invading your entire house and sometimes even smells from the street (don’t be scared, it has a solution).
It is for this reason that today there are different solutions so that we can grow without worrying about this factor, thus avoiding disturbing others with the strong smell and avoiding having to explain to anyone.
We are going to go by parts, we will explain the different products that exist one by one.
Anti-odor systems for growing cannabis indoors
– We begin by explaining one of the most common and almost mandatory systems in indoor crops, Active Carbon Filters.
How does an active carbon filter work?
The activated carbon filter is placed in the center of the crop, either in a closet or in large greenhouses. It is connected to an air extractor, both have to be in accordance with the power. In other words, if our extractor has a power of 320m3/h, our filter must have the same or higher absorption capacity. Inside this type of air filter there is activated carbon, an extremely porous material (it has pores smaller than 2 nanometers) and is very efficient in absorbing heavy molecules, it will only let the pure and odor-free air pass. With this system we only manage to neutralize the smell of the air that we expel outside the growing area. If what you are looking for is a system to neutralize the smell inside the house, read on.
Available in mouth diameter 100mm, 125mm, 150mm.
Another of the systems widely used by growers is ONA GEL, it is an anti-odor gel to neutralize all kinds of odors, this product will neutralize all the odors of your crop.
How is ONA Gel used?
Pour some of the product into a small plate-shaped container and leave it in the growing area. The gel will act when it comes into contact with the air and will neutralize odors leaving a pleasant lemon scent.
For the production of this product, the Ona brand has used natural essential oils and additives used in the food industry, which means that this anti-odor gel is free of toxic products that affect our health, that of our plants, our animals or home.
In our online store it is available in formats of 400, 732gr and 3,8kgs.
The ONA brand also manufactures ONA LIQUID, it is one of the best solutions on the market to completely eliminate all odors in your growing area.
How is it used?
You simply have to spray on the area where the odors are emitted. The Liquid Ona acts by evaporation, when it comes into contact with the air, it neutralizes odors, leaving a lemon smell.
To make spraying easier, the ONA brand has decided to launch ONA SPRAY on the market, following the same method as Ona Liquid, but with the sprayer included.
That’s not all, for greater ease they developed ONA BLOCK can be placed in any space, any area of cultivation, although personally I recommend to introduce it inside the carbon filter, that way the air extracted to the outside, if any odour can come out it will be neutralized.